How Beautiful

... are the feet of those who bring good news...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have been unfaithful, nay, adulterous with devoting time to other things besides blogging recently. I apologize and promise to make it up, for there is much to be said.

First: I started teaching today. I am exhausted this evening. It went well and I have a beautiful class, it just took more out of me than I was prepared to give. Including the 20 minutes it took after school to disinfect all the plastic toys they inserted into their mouth. I had prepared for ABCs, 123s, music, movement and the pledge of allegiance, but forgot to factor poddy breaks, nose blowing and anxiety over parent separation. Needless to say we didn't get through the sign language curriculum I had planned.

Secondly, it was my best friend's birthday Sunday. Happy Birthday beautiful one! I cannot express how grateful I am that you are in my world! I love you dearly!

Third, my life is much brighter since my last entry. Chi Alpha resumes tomorrow and the beautiful people who abandoned me this summer have once again returned to make me laugh and remember that life is a bowl of cherries... sometimes it's just the pits. But I feel so fulfilled when I am working with Chi Alpha. There is something about the demographic of college students that challenges, encourages, motivates and inspires. Most of the time I feel like they are ministering more to me than I to them. And I know deep in my heart that this semester/year is going to be amazing (ugh, I need to expand my adjective vocabulary because I feel that is an insufficient statement.)

Last, but not least, I was just royally blessed by a visit from my Washitonian friend Amy. On a spur of the moment road trip she came to see me for a few days and I honestly hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. She came to Montana in hopes of horseback riding and river rafting and instead got a budget-savvy ride on a carousel and a look into Missoula's not-so-kareoke-friendly night life. But let it be said, I did take her to see Shakespeare, even though it was nothing I planned and we didn't even stay for the whole thing (I believe we partially tamed the shrew). Honestly, Amy has been desperately faithful to me in the hard times... and I pray that I can be half the blessing to her now as she was to me then. (You're in my prayers sister. I love you!)

Okay, now I must go. I literally may sleep for a week... or just find some really great crack before my next onslaught of pre-schoolers. (I was joking. Say no to drugs.)

Friday, August 26, 2005

Rain on my parade

I understand that Montana is in a drought, but does the earth really require precipitation when I'm trying to visit my favorite national park instead of when I'm drearily working in the mall? Doesn't the world and it's willy-nilly weather patterns revolve around me? (please excuse my pathetic attempt at a breed of humor I can't pull off well: sarcasm)

Yesterday my family and I traveled all the way to Glacier National Park only to see absolutely nothing, have a picnic in the rain and tromp around in snow at the peaks visitor's center only to be warned to get off the mountain before they closed the west entrance. It broke my heart. And alas, summer is finally drawing to a close, and suddenly I'm shocked at the loss of all that is tan, hammocked and lazy. Looking back I can honestly say it was a difficult season,however... one of drought spiritually, grief relationally and crazy emotionally. Yet, for all it's worth, I would do it all again (totally took me ten minutes to write that statement)

So here is to autumn and all that comes with it. Let it rain.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Me Amigo

This week I have set out to become the worlds top teacher. I've decorated my classroom, picked out games, learned a few chords on the guitar and made name tags for my ten little three-year-olds. On one of my walls I put up a Precious Moments border (or something equivilantly cheesy) and a poster of Mexico. I decided that my class is going to have an 'adopted' student. My very own beloved Diego. I cannot believe it has been almost six months since Diego first entered my life. Who knew that one little missions trip to a Mexican orphanage could put such a strong desire in me to break the law. I mean seriously, if it wasn't horribly illegal and completely inappropriate, I would go all ninja-like across the border and steal Diego for my very own. Too bad all we had in common was zurburts. I could laugh with him for hours until he would start his prolific little chatter in spanish... and then I was lost. The way he would talk to the air, though made me convinced he is going to be a preacher. Or a telemarketer. Either way, all I know is that I miss him. Dearly. Who would have guessed? I leave the country and fall in love. At least I can look at his picture every day I teach and maybe, just maybe, get the go-ahead from God to covertly kidnap him and keep him in my closet until hoarding illegal alien (children) becomes smiled upon by the government...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No place like home

Today I went to "Out to Lunch" with a few friends and sat on the grassy knoll of downtown Missoula chuckling at how much I love the organic-liberal-hippy-community I call my home. As I ate my very first eMpenada I enjoyed entertainment by the 'Blue Onion' and a special dance number by the 'fly-fishing dancer' and his wife (today he was crossing himself enthusiastically and tossing pizzas (?)) and couldn't help but feel warm inside.

Where else could you get a food service job whilst sporting dread-locks? Where else could you be solicited by an Indian man with bracelets to 'Buy something'? Where else can you find three ginormous red Xs in a city center? Where else keeps their art galleries open late the first Friday of every month, serving wine in Dixie cups? Where else is real estate so ridiculous and the average income so miniscule (Missoula is a beautiful place to starve to death!)? Where else do you have homeless people who use the word "fantasmagorical"? Where else has only two seasons: Winter and Road Construction? Where else has such a copious amount of Beauty? Where else can you find a hand written note that says "Attention Blonde Girl in red coat that walks across Higgins Bridge between 8.25am and 8.30am. The guy in the small white van that always waves at you thinks you are absolutely Breath-taking-ly BEAUTIFUL." (Pictured here but you can't really read it... sorry)? Missoula is one of a kind. There is no place like home..

Monday, August 15, 2005


Happy Birthday Madison! I hope you have a good one and want you to know I think you are a rockstar! I love spending time with you and I think your brain is gold. I love you girl! Have a good one!

Hooks and Heroes

Oh to be three again and find the simplest pleasure out of a nasty villain with a horrifying metal object for an appendage. My niece has fallen madly in love with Captain Hook and somehow her mother fails to be concerned over her daughters choice of Disney characters to be smitten with.

Madison (my niece) sees Captain Hook in the clouds, plays Captain Hook with her dad (he is Tinkerbell) and wants to be Captain Hook for Halloween (she's already asked her Grandma to buy her a boat to complete her ensemble) Is it just me or is it slightly odd for a female pre-schooler to be so adoring of a bad guy? Then I remind myself that she's three and at that age, everyone is trustworthy. Why Captain Hook is nothing but a tall man with an awesome hat. She has yet to be jaded by the realization that he is really a horrible adversary of all that is young and fun and beautiful.

And maybe when the day comes that she discovers her hero is not exactly contributing to society the way she would like, she will find other heroes to take their place: Like WonderWoman or Shera or Snap, Crackle and Pop. All are doing great things for the world and all are original Halloween options. But alas, for now, 'Auntie Kay' will be stuck playing the role of 'A Lost Boy'

Saturday, August 13, 2005

That stage

You know that stage in your life when all your friends are getting married? I've just hit it.

Please do not get me wrong. I am so exceptionally excited for them. It's just 'different' having girlfriends that are either hitched or hooking up. Meanwhile, I will sit here, blog-it-up and sip green tea from my "Jingle, Jingle, Glad I'm Single" mug. Very chic.

Pictured here are my good friends Jenna (left) and Janelle (right). Jenna just got married to an Australian comedian. Janelle, who is Australian, is getting married in a few days to a Californian. Praise God! That means she will probably end up living in the States at some point. She is my favorite.

It's no surprise that she was snatched up so quickly. She is the sweetest, most divine, amazing woman of God to walk the planet. Seriously. I am astounded at her ability to bring sunshine to all she encounters. This woman knows how to love humanity and I never cease to learn from her. She's beautiful in every way and I know she is going to be the most breathtaking bride imaginable. I'M SO SAD I'M MISSING IT! But her husband John and her will change the world (they want to youth pastor) and I cannot help but pray that somehow, someday we will do ministry together. I love you Janelle! Congratulations!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Once again... exceedingly Beautiful! This picture may very well embody all the reasons I like being a girl. Skirts, shoes (pointy heels preferably) and a string of pearls... what more could a female want? Maybe an endless supply of peanut m&ms, free manacures and back massages, a place to have a cream soda with girlfriends where you can laugh as loud as you want and not get nasty looks from other patrons, a hammock that won't flip over, a full ride scholarship to the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, a job with benefits, chocolate toothpaste, a Harley Davidson (I'll take one with a man on it), a Nalgene bottle that doesn't spill down the front of my shirt and maybe some more m&ms. Delicious females of the world, raise your hand (or post a comment) if you're with me!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Boo Boo?

I got homesick today. Well, that's awkward to say because Missoula is my home... but I really miss Australia for some reason. I know the cause of my discontentment: the newest Hillsong album. It was just released and not only is it amazing ( and newly released , but it depicts everything I'm missing down there... truly my home away from home. (Which I love, consider a surrogate home but don't know if I would ever make it my 'home' again because I like my home here (whoa)) Anyway, what made me the saddest and most sentimental is that my best friend Ruthie was pictured on the album, my friend Heather was mentioned as a stage manager and my friend Amy played percussion for the recording... so their pretty much famous by now!

I've never had a friend like Ruthie. Her and I fit together like chocolate and truffles. (She's the chocolate...cause she's black... but I love you anyway Boo Boo) We lived together both of the years that I was in Sydney, and even though we slept in the same house, she'd always ask if we could have sleepovers. We'd go to Coles after school, get Vanilla Diet Coke (like liters of it) and head home to catch The Simpsons and 'Neighbors' (the dodgiest australian soap opera ever). We did everything with one another... like mundane stuff to the core... like ride the train and go to the post office and fart (wait, that was just me)
I love and miss Ruthie because she encourages me like nobody's business. She thinks I'm hilarious, even though she's really just gullible and would believe anything I say. She always believes in me and my dreams and is the first friend of mine that loves me regardless of my mood or flagilance. She is invaluable. I miss doing life with her because Ruthie could make pulling teeth enjoyable (and the way we were drinking Vanilla Diet Coke, we'll probably have to have ours pulled soon). This girl is beautiful and she's going to have influence on this earth for only good. Nations will never be the same because she walked the earth (and hopefully one of those nations is the US. Ruthie, get your bum over here, and bring your mum, you're my favorite chum (you probably are laughing so hard that I used that bloody word))

Anyway, I miss her. She's one of a kind and a little sister I never had (I wish we were related, but that will be solved when my firstborn child marries hers...) To my Aussie-Momma-Roz-favoring-Diet Vanilla Coke-drinking-ferrill-sink-gromies-hating-counter-sitting-ear-playing-model-searching-American-sounding-fart-hating-Gavin-DeGraw-loving-How to Loose A Guy In Ten Days-quoting-Big Brother-watching-God-forbid-I-get-my-feet-wet-after-Krysty-just-mopped-Tim-Tam-Slamming-chai-drinking-Indian-decenting-Princess I call my best friend... I love you!

Going Crazy

Don't worry. I've gone crazy before and it served to create only humorous experiences and commical stories. So although I feel royaly insane right now, it's most likely just a jovial season of irrational thoughts and behavior.
I tried to quit my job today. I told the smoothie place that I was going to be teaching and doing Chi Alpha and maybe some other stuff so I wouldn't have a chance to work for them anymore etc. But then something aweful happened. My boss was like "don't leave us!" "one day, all I ask is to keep you on one day!" "what about the holidays, you'll need some cash!" "come on, stay! just one shift a week!". So since I have yet to learn the art of 'no' I was like 'yes'. I agreed to staying there! I was moritfied, cause after my boss left and I was once again working in the mall, all alone, under florescent lights and I realized that I am going crazy. Fruity-sherberty-vaccuum-of-conveiniently-located-shopping-mall place! I can't do it anymore. I've gotta quit at some point. Like really say "no, i'm hitting the road... i ain't gonna blend things together for my entire life. take your non-fat yogurt and your fresh squeezed juices and stick them where the sun don't shine." Honestly, no matter how crazy I get, I probubly won't EVER say that to someone.
Also, I am slightly insane because my friends are still away for the summer. I can't wait to be busy and active and hanging out with all my favorite people again doing silly shananagans. (like perming my hair with a do-it-yourself kit (what was I thinking? As a girl who has a phobia of smelling, I should NEVER get a perm))

Monday, August 01, 2005

Know Me II

So I've been a bit blue as of late. I needed encouragement. I felt alone. God gave me an invitation to join Him outside on my hammock. It was a bit rediculous because I started to read my Bible but it was so dark I nearly gave myself a stigmatism. He didn't direct me to read anything specific so I started in Hosea simply because I'm fascinated by his character. God didn't say too much except:
"I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and you will know the Lord." Hosea 2:19-20