Going Crazy
Don't worry. I've gone crazy before and it served to create only humorous experiences and commical stories. So although I feel royaly insane right now, it's most likely just a jovial season of irrational thoughts and behavior.
I tried to quit my job today. I told the smoothie place that I was going to be teaching and doing Chi Alpha and maybe some other stuff so I wouldn't have a chance to work for them anymore etc. But then something aweful happened. My boss was like "don't leave us!" "one day, all I ask is to keep you on one day!" "what about the holidays, you'll need some cash!" "come on, stay! just one shift a week!". So since I have yet to learn the art of 'no' I was like 'yes'. I agreed to staying there! I was moritfied, cause after my boss left and I was once again working in the mall, all alone, under florescent lights and I realized that I am going crazy. Fruity-sherberty-vaccuum-of-conveiniently-located-shopping-mall place! I can't do it anymore. I've gotta quit at some point. Like really say "no, i'm hitting the road... i ain't gonna blend things together for my entire life. take your non-fat yogurt and your fresh squeezed juices and stick them where the sun don't shine." Honestly, no matter how crazy I get, I probubly won't EVER say that to someone.

Also, I am slightly insane because my friends are still away for the summer. I can't wait to be busy and active and hanging out with all my favorite people again doing silly shananagans. (like perming my hair with a do-it-yourself kit (what was I thinking? As a girl who has a phobia of smelling, I should NEVER get a perm))
I hate to admit this...but I sort of like the smell of home-perms. Makes me think of Grandma and the good-old days. Krysty, promise me that if I ever visit you for a smoothie in the mall you will tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine. That would just make my day!
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