Once again...
...how exceedingly Beautiful!
This picture may very well embody all the reasons I like being a girl. Skirts, shoes (pointy heels preferably) and a string of pearls... what more could a female want? Maybe an endless supply of peanut m&ms, free manacures and back massages, a place to have a cream soda with girlfriends where you can laugh as loud as you want and not get nasty looks from other patrons, a hammock that won't flip over, a full ride scholarship to the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, a job with benefits, chocolate toothpaste, a Harley Davidson (I'll take one with a man on it), a Nalgene bottle that doesn't spill down the front of my shirt and maybe some more m&ms. Delicious females of the world, raise your hand (or post a comment) if you're with me!

Totally with ya on that one girl, but I have to cringe at the thought of chocolate toothpaste. Sounds disgusting, I'll stick with my whitening thanks.
Amen! Is it too much to ask for!? hehe
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