Boo Boo?

I got homesick today. Well, that's awkward to say because Missoula is my home... but I really miss Australia for some reason. I know the cause of my discontentment: the newest Hillsong album. It was just released and not only is it amazing ( and newly released , but it depicts everything I'm missing down there... truly my home away from home. (Which I love, consider a surrogate home but don't know if I would ever make it my 'home' again because I like my home here (whoa)) Anyway, what made me the saddest and most sentimental is that my best friend Ruthie was pictured on the album, my friend Heather was mentioned as a stage manager and my friend Amy played percussion for the recording... so their pretty much famous by now!

I've never had a friend like Ruthie. Her and I fit together like chocolate and truffles. (She's the chocolate...cause she's black... but I love you anyway Boo Boo) We lived together both of the years that I was in Sydney, and even though we slept in the same house, she'd always ask if we could have sleepovers. We'd go to Coles after school, get Vanilla Diet Coke (like liters of it) and head home to catch The Simpsons and 'Neighbors' (the dodgiest australian soap opera ever). We did everything with one another... like mundane stuff to the core

I love and miss Ruthie because she encourages me like nobody's business. She thinks I'm hilarious, even though she's really just gullible and would believe anything I say. She always believes in me and my dreams and is the first friend of mine that loves me regardless of my mood or flagilance. She is invaluable. I miss doing life with her because Ruthie could make pulling teeth enjoyable (and the way we were drinking Vanilla Diet Coke, we'll probably have to have ours pulled soon). This girl is beautiful and she's going to have influence on this earth for only good. Nations will never be the same because she walked the earth (and hopefully one of those nations is the US. Ruthie, get your bum over here, and bring your mum, you're my favorite chum (you probably are laughing so hard that I used that bloody word))
Anyway, I miss her. She's one of a kind and a little sister I never had (I wish we were related, but that will be solved when my firstborn child marries hers...) To my Aussie-Momma-Roz-favoring-Diet Vanilla Coke-drinking-ferrill-sink-gromies-hating-counter-sitting-ear-playing-model-searching-American-sounding-fart-hating-Gavin-DeGraw-loving-How to Loose A Guy In Ten Days-quoting-Big Brother-watching-God-forbid-I-get-my-feet-wet-after-Krysty-just-mopped-Tim-Tam-Slamming-chai-drinking-Indian-decenting-Princess I call my best friend... I love you!
That's crazy...isaiah52? I use isaiah25 as my name on certain things! :) Nice to meet you!
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