No place like home

Where else could you get a food service job whilst sporting dread-locks? Where else could you be solicited by an Indian man with bracelets to 'Buy something'? Where else can you find three ginormous red Xs in a city center? Where else keeps their art galleries open late the first Friday of every month, serving wine in Dixie cups? Where else is real estate so ridiculous and the average income so miniscule (Missoula is a beautiful place to starve to death!)? Where else do you have homeless people who use the word "fantasmagorical"? Where else has only two seasons: Winter and Road Construction? Where else has such a copious amount of Beauty? Where else can you find a hand written note that says "Attention Blonde Girl in red coat that walks across Higgins Bridge between 8.25am and 8.30am. The guy in the small white van that always waves at you thinks you are absolutely Breath-taking-ly BEAUTIFUL." (Pictured here but you can't really read it... sorry)? Missoula is one of a kind. There is no place like home.

I love it for all the same reasons. This post makes me feel all warm inside.
hey! seems like all the cool people are getting spamed.
thank you for the sweet letter on my blog.
i hope you get to see my new post. i am working on the idea of re-doing my portfolio site, being prepared for the the visiors and all.
much love sister. by the way, what do you want to be when you grow up? everyone hears my ranting and raving, but what about you? what are your hopes and dreams? i saw "missionary" on your bio, is that your main goal? :)
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