Tafe-ites Reunite!

Sometimes I forget that I literally have the most beautiful friends in the entire universe. I had the honor last weekend to go to my friends wedding in Idaho... and as a little side bonus I had a Tafe reunion. Now the Tafe was the 'dorm/hell hole' I lived in my first year of college and although it was a pretty filthy/ferrell place to lay my head, I had the joy of sharing the experience with nine other fabulous females. Now we are spread all over the world, but four of us conviened on Lewiston to catch up with each other and basically laugh till we wet ourselves. It was beautiful.
Girls I love you so dearly, you are a blessing I simply don't deserve! I miss you all so much and I can't wait till our next reunion. This time it's Montana because in other news I've upgraded from weeds... now I've got treeeeeeeeees!
it's always beautiful to wet yourself.
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