Funk Soul City

Finally, my last verdict on the city is "Joint with some serious Soul". My final evening in the sprawling metropolis was spent at the 'House of Blues'. You guys, this may rank as one of the funnest nights of my life...
Zach made use of his extensive phone list to find friends to join us for the evening, and as it turned out all these fun amazing girls out came to enjoy our company(or vice versa) and (yes, Zach ended up being the only male, but you know he loved it!)
So there we are IN the 'House of Blues', waiting for the live band to start, whilst I'm making a fool of myself infront of the waiter and ordering a horrifically potent beverage (Long Island Ice Tea). So I'm thirsty right, and I down the thing... which leaves me feeling SO GOOD... but then I get the food I ordered that included an OPEN FLAME... luckily there were five other people there to make sure no menus where around (only people from my senior prom will get that one). The fire, however did make for a quick light to my dessert... a STOGIE! So there I am feeling good, smoking a cigar and then the music starts. Maker of all things good, holy and AMAZING BLACK MEN PLAYING THE BLUES! The music was INCREDIBLE... and by this point my blessed inhabitions are gone, so I just went up there with Zach and we started dancing right in front of the band... and they were like looking at you... playing to you... w

The end. I flew home today, exhausted and completely unready to start work again on Monday... but thank God I now have twelve delicious tracks of soul-goodness to get me through the day!
ok this has gotten ridiculous. you have had a month and a half. let's see another post.
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