
Upon perusal of the blogging community there seems to be somewhat of a proverbial sleep settled upon the faithful few of us that write about life, love and other maladies. In my own world I have sadly suffered from a lack of motivation to dial up to AOL and hear that tragic greeting "You've got (more junk) mail". At this point I extend my apologies and move on to other things... such as Thanksgiving. How was everyone's turkey day?
Mine was uneventful. I began the week with some major flirting with a man who manages a Starbucks here in town. My hope was to get all the free Chantico I could consume. Next I slept in. This may be the first time since I was unemployed for three weeks last January. I actually rolled out of bed at 10:30! That is seriously a record for me. After that I proceeded to do absolutely no cooking, but rather nibble on Jet Puff marshmallows until my family arrived to eat the feast all the females threw before us. Twenty minutes later we were awkwardly looking at each other wondering what to discuss and who was going to take the last bit of dressing. Thankfully (no pun intended) my sister had a brainchild and we headed off to see RENT. Very enjoyable. I think.
The next day I had the privilege to be back at the mall (at 6am no less) to open up the smoothie stand and serve crazed customers who have the audacity to flock to an event dubbed DOOR BUSTERS at an UNGODLY HOUR! America cracks me up. But I love it. I am thankful to be home!
mmm. we need to do chantico soon. it's been way too long. even just reading the word brings me back to last winter. i don't know about starbucks... but rocky's charm DID land us two day-old goods at the break last night, though. i WANT to blog, i just need some pictures.
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