I have perhaps just experienced one of the sweetest weekends of my adulthood. It included a ridiculously small amount of sleep, a trip to the continental divide, some s'mores minus the graham cracker, and one of the most beautiful encounters I've had with the Holy Spirit in a long time. This weekend was Chi Alpha's fall retreat (you should read more about it at
chialphamontana.blogspot.com ) Cause this weekend was amazing.
Alright, I'm just gonna be vulnerable right now... hope you don't mind. I have spent this entire month going
hard... very hard. I have been about my Father's business, have poured myself into ministry and the work of Chi Alpha. I wouldn't live my life any other way. Except this weekend I came up dry. I had been living/functioning/ministeri

ng out of a spiritual resivoir I had neglected to keep refreshed and this weekend I felt as if I had nothing else to give. Whilst being about my Father's business... I forgot to be all about my Father. Even now I cry (big surprise) at how much I miss Him. So perhaps I will sign off and get alone with my Maker... but I will leave you with a 'prom' picture of Megan and I, a picture of Peter in an 'awkward' situation and a thank you to all the beautiful people in my world who made me laugh this weekend. Without you (and Zach's playlist of comedy) I wouldn't have burned off that brownie I had for breakfast!
for some reason, i never saw this post. you see.. the recluse that i am..(all come part of that mysterious artist thing...), i read blog posts through my email program... but i dont know if i ever got this one.
btw, you were the friend i was replying to, but i never made it. you'll forgive, or i'll just have to stuff one of those grapefruits down my throat and just let myself gag to death.
i was thinking today how fiona apple is like norah jones dark side.. haha.
also, the photo is nice. if you post up my drawng all around missoula, ill consider it! or maybe ill just do it so i can be funny. :P
much love sister,
so. i read your blog post. good to hear your relationship to the Lord is growing(that sounds so stale doesn't it? kinda like writing "stay cool" or something as stupid in a school yearbook)...
ill get back with you in a reply email, much love siser,
ps- SARAH GROVES!! HAHA. i used to LOOOVVVVEEEE that song "Maybe there's a loving God". reminded me of Peter Gabriel.
so many friends and im so very jealous haha! aaron
Dare I ask abotu the picture of Peter in teh bathroom? Maybe I won't. It might be better that way, haha!
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