Sudden Death

Somewhere between pretending to be astronauts and learning to "make new friends, but keep the old" I caught one of my 'munchkin's' colds. I had been warned by the other teachers that I would probably be sick a lot this school year, but with all the 'Airborne', vitamin C, orange juice and green tea I was pounding (not to mention the pint of Lysol I've used already) I thought for sure I was going to be golden for the entire flu season. Oh how horribly naive I was. Because, my friends, I've contracted some sort of illness that has put me near death, or at has at least left me feeling like the Grimm Reaper's got my number.
Would any of you agree that being sick is the worst thing in the world? It never happens at a convenient time (I've been SO busy these last three days it's probably only helped to compound my body's production of the virus...) It makes you feel shunned (the worst part, in my opinion, is not being able to get my quota of human contact for the day. Since physical touch is one of my love languages, I end up extrodinarily sad when I see people backing up five feet instead of leaning in to give me a hug...) It makes you forget what it feels like to be well (perhaps the most deplorable thing about the situation is it's damper on my optimistic outlook leaving me only with a certainty that I will be coughing and sniffling until Jesus returns...)
So, delicious people of the earth... remember eat your oranges and keep a family-size bottle of Day-quil on hand 'just in case'.
PS: The picture above has absolutely nothing to do with my illness, it's just a great shot of Rael and I riding an oversized piece of art (as you do).
he friend
ill keep you in my prayers. keep your head up.
btw...i'm not a doctor, but i figure a bit of Kool and the Gnag might chase away the cold demons. i read that in some medical journal(prob. printed in 1979).
the idea is, that the funk puts a beat down on the cold, and makes the body feel chill. :)
much love sister. feel better.
hey haha i have some bad alergies today from house cleaning, sneezing and runny nose, isnt it great, haha, i feel horible, i am empethetic :)
Justin, You're BRILLIANT! Listening to a little "Celebration" has cured me! Or at least has taken my mind off of my severe congestion for three minutes and forty nine seconds... but hey funk it up brotha!
Aaron, thanks for your empathy. and for the record, don't use benadryll for your allergies. It only proves to put you in a drunken stuper... not always enjoyable.
Get well soon, Krysty. I know first hand - it sucks to be sick.
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