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I never thought I would be sad to see the last day of school... but alas after teaching ten 3 year olds this year I found it extraordinarily painful to say good bye to the little terrors that made my life so wonderfully exhausting. It was heart wrenching to know I'd go three whole months without their antics and unabashed excitement to see me every morning. The only silver lining was the opportunity to teach Preschool yet again this 2006-2007 year... that is until things changed.
Thursday night I knew the board of directors was meeting to decide what to do without an administrator for the preschool... Friday morning I was informally told they were cancelling the 2yr. old program and the Kindergarten. This was fine with me, but I was a little concerned how the returning teachers would react, but I assumed some shuffling could be done and that they would still have a job at least. Two hours later my Pastor sat me down and told me the entire Preschool was being cancelled for the year.
Never has it been so hard to hold back tears. It was as if my very excitement for the future was sucked out of my being. Like I didn't have as much motivation to wake up in the morning. I was heartbroken. I was devistated. I was sad. I was crying (and trying to answer phones and fold bulletins and keep my mascara from making me look like my eyelashes were melting.)
BUT GOD HAS SUCH A WAY OF REDEEMING THINGS... little did I know but Delyn Cole had been planning a Missions trip to India and Nepal to work with women who had been rescued from the sex trade... it's a missions trip that only female Chi Alpha workers can take and it happens in May... had I been teaching preschool, there's no way I would have been able to attend this missions trip that I AM SO PASSIONATE ABOUT! Basically when Delyn was presenting it to all the District Chi Alpha people I began to cry (and then noisily shot up my hand to indicate I was VERY interested... I'm sure you're all familiar with the Krysty Kay manner in which this was done)
So in a nutshell: I'm going. ISN'T GOD SO FAITHFUL? ...I'm thinking so... although it's still a scoach bittersweet that I won't have ten gorgeous goobery faces to embrace as my 'kinders' next year... yet somehow I think it's going to be okay.
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